How Do You Winterize an RV Washing Machine?

How Do You Winterize an RV Washing Machine?

Winterizing your RV is an essential part of ensuring it doesn’t sustain damage from the winter’s unforgiving temperatures. But while most people are familiar with the steps for winterizing their motorhome, things can get hazy when it comes to washing machines because they need special treatment. So how do you winterize an RV washing machine?…

4 Ways to Find out How Much Private Party RV Value Really Is?

4 Ways to Find out How Much Private Party RV Value Really Is?

What is Private Party RV Value and Why it Matters? Private party RV value refers to the price that an RV would typically sell for in a private party sale between individuals, as opposed to the retail value that a dealer would charge or trade-in value. Understanding private party RV value is essential for both…

8 Ways to Protect RV Surge Protector From the Rain

8 Ways to Protect RV Surge Protector From the Rain

There are many obstacles to overcome if you’re a full-time or part-time RVer. One of the many things people worry about is how to protect their RV surge protector from the rain. While many manufacturers now make waterproof surge protectors, this isn’t always the case, and it’s up to you to provide your own protection. ow…